Show Times

Returned back from the show last Sunday night, but headed straight into holiday planning as soon as I woke on Monday. I'm finally coming up for air.

I didn't pay for internet access at the show, too expensive and not necessary. Turns out I didn't have free internet at the hotel either. But frankly, I was too tired to do anything more than eat and sleep anyway.

Many of you have wondered how the show went. As always, it was a mix. I was pleased with my booth and the buying crowd wasn't all that bad. Most exhibitors felt that breaking even was a good number for a first time show. Richard did a great job promoting it. He also jazzed the show up by having many demonstrations and even some drawing sessions with models. He is looking to put a committee of artists together to help plan for next years' show.

If anything, I came away with an acute understanding of how very important merchandising and salesmanship are. Of course, I have always known this. But this show really brought those realities home for me. I'm just not a salesman. I try. But I'm too shy about it. I simply get tired of talking. Three days chatting it up from 10am to 7pm seems to not be in my realm of skill sets. I hate admitting a failing. But it is well over due. I have to either stop doing retail shows, or make sure to hire a good salesperson to come with me. The cost of the salesperson should make itself over several times. I did however, certainly see an increase of traffic to my website during and after the show. Always a good sign.

The next scheduled show is the Rosen wholesale show in Philly. I'm looking forward to this one. My job between now and February is to work on the book and make samples. Yahoo!. Although I am planning a holiday sale at the studio. Probably on the 12th. I'm trying to get a few more artists to set up shop with me. And there is always teaching. Looks like I have enough students to run another surface design class.

Also, two fellows from the show will be coming up to take my dyeing workshop in January. I'm looking forward to that as well.

Snowing this afternoon in Western MA. Simply beautiful.